The Floyd Gottfredson Library

Stefan Persson spe at
Sön Sep 27 13:04:15 CEST 2009

On 2009-09-27 13:07, Andreas Jansson wrote:
> Hello from
> We're sorry to report the release of the following item has been cancelled:
>   Floyd Gottfredson, et al "The Floyd Gottfredson Library: The Best of
> Mickey Mouse - Daily Strips 1930-1933"
> Although we'd expected to be able to send this item to you, we've since
> found it won't be released after all.  Please accept our sincerest apologies
> for any inconvenience we've caused you.

Synd att Gemstone slutade publicera Disney-serier. Är det någon som hört om Boom 
har några planer på att ge ut ett liknande projekt?


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