No subject

Wed Dec 8 09:28:41 CET 1993

Hello everybody,

Being a new subscriber to the list, I hope you forgive me if the
following is an FAQ.

One of the first things I noticed in Don Rosa's stories was his
"graphic quotations" from Barks. Many of his panels contained
almost exact copies of poses, expressions etc. from famous Barks
stories. My question to Don is: Was this done as a kind of "secondary
gag" for the insiders, or maybe as a tribute
to the Old Master, or, as some of your critics claim, simply because
you weren't able to make up your own art from scratch?

It seems to me that this kind of quotations have become more rare in
later years, and Don Rosa is in my opinion the one artist after Barks
who has showed most creativity in exposing the characters in new
situations and expressing their feelings through vivid facial

About Grandma Duck: This kind of genealogical questions occupied me a
lot some 20-25 years ago. It is difficult enough to sort such things
out when you base your study on "canonical" sources like Taliaferro,
Barks and Rosa. If you, in addition, try to make up some consistent
theory by including Italian material, the task becomes impossible.
(Can somebody tell me why they waste their time on Italian Duck
stories at all?) Don's famliy tree has finally cleared up things, at
least for Norwegian readers. Anyway, a Duck genealogy must be
*invented*, not "reconstructed".

OK. I think this is enough for a starter.

Lars Lundheim

Lars Lundheim,                          Phone: +47-7-896284
Trondheim College of Engineering,       Fax:   +47-7-896286
Department of Electrical Engineering    e-mail: lars at
N-7005 Trondheim

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