Disney-comics digest #252.

Gary Leach 73633.152 at CompuServe.COM
Sat Feb 26 17:57:32 CET 1994

  In general, the US writers I mentioned began their Disney careers with 
Disney Comics, then moved on to Egmont when the former downsized and the 
latter offered practically the only gainful Disney comics employment in the 
world for American creators. Even our assistant editor Gary Gabner made the 
move when necessity dictated. Don, of course, made the move much earlier due 
to Disney's snotty policies on original art and such.
  Michael T. Gilbert has done a few Mickey's (he and Janet collaborated in 
many cases) as well as a couple Duck stories, and they're quite good, and 
already worked out in American idiom. As I remarked on before, this sort of 
thing oughta breathe a little fresh air into an admittedly somewhat stale US 
Disney comics environment.

  By the way, William Van Horn is currently working on the art to Carl Barks' 
new story, and it should be delivered to Egmont in fairly short order. Ironic,
isn't it, that even Barks has had to take his business overseas.

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