Cheating in the CBL

M93 andresen at
Fri Jan 14 17:15:06 CET 1994

Hello out there!

I'm very new to this mailing-list and call
myself a biiiiig Barks and Gottfredson admirer.
I'm also a proud owner of the CBL,
and I want to know of you:

Which stories in the CBL are not drawn by Barks,
i.e. are redrawings or manipulated in any other way.

There must be some, e.g. I know that one of the Firestone
Giveaways is not original (I think the one with the seagull
and the lighthouse). I've seen the original drawing
in a german comic book.
And the drawings of 'In darkest africa' don't look very
barksish, too.

Who knows other stories, and who knows where to get
their originals? 

           Duck auf!
           Nikolaus Andresen 

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