Donald as a sport fan.

Anders Engwall Anders.Engwall at
Thu Oct 27 10:20:51 CET 1994

There is also a Barks story where Gyro is 'persuaded' by two rivalling
baseball teams to invent equipment that will help them win. For one team
it's a ball that can't be hit, and for the other a bat that can't miss (or
the other way around -- a ball that can't be missed and a bat that can't
hit). Strange things happen when the two meet! I think this was 'The
Madball Pitcher' from OS 1095.

If we leave the team sports, there are stories that involve golf, bowling,
surfing and probably others.

Favourite? I think mine is the golf story by Barks where Donald and Gladstone
play against each other and Gladstone suffers mysteriously from a streak of
*very* bad luck -- which in the end turns out not to be so bad after all...
(WDC 131).

Anders Engwall				Email: Anders.Engwall at
ELLEMTEL Utvecklings AB			Voice: +46 8 727 3893
[lvsj|, Sweden				Fax: +46 8 727 42 20
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