Indexing stories

Jørgen Andreas Bangor jorgenb at
Thu Jun 22 23:22:05 CEST 1995

| I'll try to take a closer look at the whole database system

Harry sent us (the indexers) a file which explained it a while ago.
I haven't got it here at the moment (I did have a copy here, of course,
but the administration here at Ifi suddenly got very keen on cleaning
up. A lot of files that shouldn't have been erased got -- erased. I'll
get them back, though).

| what have you indexed so far?

Not very much... the last half of the sixties, a little from the beginning
of the eighties, and soon most of the nineties.

| But I could help you with a conversion method from your format to 
| Harry's,

Good :-)

| We should perhaps take this to personal mail?

That's not the first time that question is brought up. So far I don't 
think there has been too much database talk on the list. As long as
we don't send big index files to the list there shouldn't be any problems.


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