Disney-comics digest #652.

Don Rosa donrosa at iglou.com
Wed May 3 06:33:00 CEST 1995

        Oh, sorry -- the next Rosa story? I think the next one you'll see,
FINALLY, is the one I did called "Of Ducks and Dimes and Destinies". It's a
shorter one, about 15 or less pages, that I did over 4 years ago, but which
was postponed since it deals with the day $crooge earns his first Dime.
While doing it was when Egmont asked me to do the "Lo$" and I realized that
chapter 1 would be set on that same day. So they stuck this other story in
the file cabinet so as, I assume, not to confuse any dim readers that it was
part of the "Lo$" series.
        After that would be "An Eye for Detail", "The Lost Charts of
Columbus", "The Incredible Shrinking Tycoon", "Hearts of the Yukon", then
the one I'm doing now that might be titled "Knighttime" or "The Once and
Future Duck" or "A Calisota Yankee in King Arthur's Court" or... uh...

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