my work...

Gianfranco Goria - Anonima Fumetti - Italian Cartoonists Society goria at
Fri May 26 01:44:27 CEST 1995

>Can you tell me more about your work? (Or have you already done that 
>on the list?) 

I am just a comics text writer (for the Walt Disney co. Italia and for other
Italian cartoonists) and a cartoonist.
I am also the president of Anonima Fumetti (the Italian Cartoonists Society)
and I teach comics text writing, cartooning, analysis of the language of
comics and story of comics in Italian schools and universities (although I
can't consider myself as a teacher: I just try to make people - adults and
boys - understand what IS comics and how to read it and love it, and may be
do it themselves).
About what IS comics and what it CAN be, there is a wonderful book by Scott
McCloud, "Understanding Comics - the invisible art", a scientific book on
the language of comics written using the language of comics!
And another really great book on these problems is "La bande dessinee" by
Benoit Peeters.
And, obviously, "Comics and Sequential Art" by Will Eisner!
About European cartooning you can try the Cartoon Arts Network at:
You'll find there Anonima Fumetti, too.
That's all for tonight... 

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