Two stones

Knut Hunstad Knut.Hunstad at
Mon Dec 27 12:24:20 CET 1999


----- From me:
>> can not remember
>> | having seen such a cross-over story in norwegian DD before!

----Jørgen commented:
> For how long have you been reading it?
Long enough :-)

I seem to have misused the word "cross-over" here! I didn't mean the fact
that both mice and ducks appear together, which I guess you are right in
assuming is the meaning of "cross-over". This has been done lot of times
before in all sorts of combinations, as you point out. I was thinking about
this thing I have seen in super-hero-comics in the US, where a storyline
continues between different magazines, so you have to buy several issues of
different magazines to get the whole story. This would have been the case if
e.g. part two of the stone story had been in MM instead of in DD (in fact,
there might have been an extra part in MM already for all I know!). But of
course, this beeing a sales trick, they announce it _very_ clearly, which
has not been the case with the stone story.

Jørgen said about part three that it was a good story on its own. It
certainly was one of the better ones in that respect, but especially the two
first parts where rather strange as stand-alone stories, I think. And I see
we agree on Vicar's mice, that was the story I was referring to with an
odd-locking Mickey (or MM ancestor, to be precise).

But don't get me wrong, all-in-all I really like this story and look forward
to see the end! But knowing that many norwegians buy DD on an irregular
basis, I think it is a little surprising that the editors are now allowing
more than one continuation story at the same time over so many numbers.

Have a nice celebration of the fact that all the numbers on your digital
watch change at the same time!

P.S.: I suddenly realized my last statement above wasn't entirely correct,
but I leave that to you as an exercise :-)


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