WWII references in Barks' stories

Vidar Svendsen vidar-svendsen at c2i.net
Sat Feb 3 16:07:13 CET 2001

Daniel van Eijmeren wrote:
> Here's a list of World War 2 references in Barks' stories. I don't
> know if it's complete.
> WDC 60-02
> As part of Donald's feather ornament, Nazi crosses can be seen. (panel 5.4)

funny. I just had a look at that story for another reason.
I'm currently working on a page about hearing difficulties and Sign
in comics (Norwegian only). I've found references to this in Tintin,
Gaston Lagaffe, Lucky Luke and of course Donald Duck (Barks and
In WDC 60-02 Donald is able to read HDL's lips even though he only
sees their
silhouette. I must say I'm impressed!
(wonder if Don Rosa's Donald could have done anything like that, btw.)

Vidar Svendsen                    http://members.home.com/vsvendsen/

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