Euro-related topics

Kriton Kyrimis kyrimis at
Mon Mar 5 09:33:54 CET 2001


> Thank you... A pity I can't read Italian.. :-)

It's a pity that Alta Vista's Italian to English translator doesn't speak
Italian, either. Its attempted translation of the article was a mess. :(


> If you want to know how Scrooge McDuck learnt about the Euro, have a
> look at

Interesting, though a bit dated (Greece is now part of the Euro zone).


> It's a SHAME that the coin will be just a comemorative edition!!!

According to a booklet distributed with yesterday's newspapers here
in Greece, starting from 2003, EU countries will be allowed to produce
commemorative coins in non-standard denominations, which will be legal
currency in the country in which they were issued. I suspect that it will
only be a matter of time before uncle Scrooge coins are produced in,
say, Italy or Finland. According to the same booklet, no commemorative
coins will be produced in 2002, to prevent confusion, as people will be
unfamiliar with the appearance of the new currency during its first year
of circulation.

	Kriton	(e-mail: kyrimis at
"Impossible is just another word for `I don't undestand'."

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