Barks' Birthday

Anders Christian Siveb¾k anders_sivebaek at
Tue Mar 27 14:36:34 CEST 2001

What beautiful poems and nice thoughts I see here on this day.
So what does the day that could have been Barks' 100th birthday mean to
me. Well, quite a lot. I've been reading of his charecters for that whole
part of my life that I remember, I've been collecting his stories for so
many years. He and his ducks are the reason I made an article for the
local newpaper, and that I'm making articles for the school paper today. 
He's the reason of many of my journeys to other parts of the world. Many
of my friends, both via electronics and where I live have the same
interest as I, and I met many of the people I found via Barks-stories in
I thank him for that. Of course I will read some Barks-stories today, and
I will put him in my evening prayer, but I'm sure that if there is a
better place (heaven?) he'sone of the persons that I don't doubt to be
there. Where else would he be with all the nice stories he made for us. 
The french monthly and weekly celebrates his birthday too. The french
Picsou has a very touching foreword, where they express how much they miss
him for his own birthday. 

Yesterday I made a drawing of Duckburg being on a cloud in heaven, where
Barks was standing with his closes duck-friends and between the statue of
Cornelius Coot and Scrooge Money Bin. 
As they say in the biography of Carl in the danish weekly. We can't really
express what Carl means to us, so we come down to chosing these two: 
Thanks, Carl


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