The return of the lost Horizon

Don Rosa donrosa at
Mon May 21 13:39:59 CEST 2001

From: HorizonHse at
>>>>Thanks to the Digest we now know Daisy's phone number. Anyone know
Duck's phone number? It's listed, too. Was Scrooge's number ever mentioned
a story?

We have an unofficial, mutual-respect policy here that we don't answer
questions or otherwise respond to anonymous messages. So, how about giving
your name, now that you're back? That way, if you start publishing more
libelous rants about me or anyone else, we'll know who you are. (Yes,
folks, "HorizonHse at" is the guy who, while I was off in Norway, told
the tall-tale here on the ML of me refusing to speak to or autograph
anything for any fans at Oakland's WonderCon a year ago, after I declined
to bow to his demands that I draw him full-color illustrations on the
That matter was immediately dealt with *quite* effectively on the ML, so we
can skip ahead and address the anonymity issue. So... my name's Don Rosa.
What's yours?

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