Disney duck family in USA

Luca Boschi cnotw at zen.it
Sun Oct 21 22:23:10 CEST 2001

Very interesting...

>  Andold
> Wild Duck is listed as a medieval ancestor of Cornelius Coot (!).

Oh, well, tis is a new one! Even Marco Rota didn't suspect it!

> Daisy is
> linked to the others as a great grand-niece of Grandma Duck- and she's given
> a brother in Donald's Cousin Fred (from H 85125).

In Zio Paperone #120 his very name was Tom... And he seems to be Donald's
cousin, indeed... I even know that Fred Milton wished to use Fethry Duck in
the beginning.

>  Gus Goose and Rumpus McFowl are on the tree, but there are no lines
> to connect them to anyone else. I don't know why.

Strange. Indeed, I forgot that Gus Goose has a *sister* in a very old,
non-Barks stry. Her name is Greta, Granda goes to visit her in the north
woods (a place not far from Hidden River or from Crearwater's place, I
guess). The story was (very well) drawn by Bill Wright and it shall be
reprinted it in Italy,quite soon.

>  There is no mention of Don Rosa, William Van Horn or Marco Rota in
> this book, despite the attempt to incorporate their creations. Floyd
> Gottfredson is (sniff!) not mentioned either.

"WHY?" is the question.
And what about Brigitta McBridge? No  mention of Scarpa at all?


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