Newsletter I.N.D.U.C.K.S. and Yahoogroups

Paolo Castagno p.castagno at
Tue Nov 5 18:24:25 CET 2002


As some of you maybe already aware, I'm running (with the help of
some other guys) an I.N.D.U.C.K.S. related newsletter, where are
reported (monthly) the various news from the Disney Comics world.

To run this newsletter I use the free services from Yahoogroups, but
now it seems that it is haveing some problems: many of the
subscribers didn't received the last issue, and it all depends by a
sort of auto-unsubscripton made by Yahoo for error, so if you are
(were?) subscribers of this newsletter, you better take a look to
your subscription status within next days, since the new issue is
going to be send very soon.

Ciao and thanks,

  - Paolo

p.s.: if you're not a subscriber, take a look at thanks.  mailto:p.castagno at

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