Who, where and why not

Vidar Svendsen vidar-svendsen at c2i.net
Sat Nov 30 18:21:25 CET 2002

Sigvald wrote:
>Exactly!!! This is why *I* see Maroc Rota's (I HBP 1-1) "From Egg
>to Duck" as a story based on *untrue* facts since it contradict
>the Barks/Rosa version of how the ducks are born, and even their

I must admit I don't like your talking about "*untrue* facts" because the story
contradicts the Rosa/Barks version of Duckburg. I can still enjoy a good story
even though some parts of the story contradicts what I consider Barks' 
Don Rosa remains true to *his* interpretation of Barks' Duckburg, and I guess
Marco Rota is true to *his* interpretation. I really don't see the problem.

Vidar Svendsen                        http://home.c2i.net/vidarland/

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