Help needed for script...

Daniel van Eijmeren dve at
Fri Aug 22 04:25:25 CEST 2003

OL*F SOLSTR*ND to me, 21-08-2003:

> D**I*L V** EI***REN:

:-D  (Others: This is a course "How not be seen on Google".)

>> I hope you'll keep us informed about the results of this "opera" story. 

> Sorry if I made any big expectations here, Daniël... I should tell you 
> already now that this is not an opera story. [...] Just had to write a 
> little to turn Daniël's expectations down. Wouldn't want you thinking 
> this would be a story entirely about opera, when it isn't.

I'm not familiar with opera. It's one of the few musical directions which 
I haven't explored yet. So, I don't mind whether or not the story contains 

What is the story about, instead? If you don't want to give away anything 
of the storyline, can you at least make the story identifiable? 

--- Daniël

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