Question about Don Rosa's family tree H.W.Fluks at
Mon Dec 15 17:21:40 CET 2003


> On COA [and in Inducks],
> an "alt. version" of Don Rosa's family tree (D 11221) is 
> mentioned, but it has the very same code and the very same link 
> as what apparently should be the original tree.
> See:

Some time ago, we decided that the 2 versions are actually 1 item.
But we forgot to remove the reference from one version to the other. (We'll fix that.)

> - What is the difference between the two?

One version has an extra sidebar with Daisy, the nieces, and Gyro. The other version doesn't.

> - What is the first European publication of the original(?) tree?
> - What is the first European publication of the alternate version?

Version without sidebar: Norwegian "Verdens Gang" of 1993-07-03
Version with sidebar: Swedish "Kalle Anka" 1994-01

Since Rosa made both versions to be published, neither (or both) can be regarded "original".
For practical reasons, we decided in Inducks to call the version with sidebar "original", and the other one "changed".

> - Is there an *earlier* unofficial publication of either versions?

I don't think so.

> - Which version has been published in the USA?

In WDC 600, the version without sidebar was used (as you can see on COA).

> - Does the USA version contain changes in comparison to the European 
>   versions? If so, which changes?

Not that we know.


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