Barks/Rosa universe goofy313g at
Wed Jan 8 16:08:48 CET 2003

Sigvald, I use to consider clara as being a part of Barks/Rosa universe,
 but each reader is free to keep or leave her : you, me, Don Rosa himself 
(although this universe carries his name, i sometimes disagree with him for
 some points)... It's the same for Morty and Ferdie, or Speedy, for instance 
: you can choose between considering Speedy as being Donald Duck, or Morty and 
Ferdie as being Donald's nephews, as Barks first wante to show, or to let them 
be Morty, Ferdie and Speedy. As for Mickey Mouse : Don Rosa condider him as being 
a non-existant character in his universe, while I consider him as being a Star 
(according to his photography in " a little something special).
There is another character we can choose to include or not in this universe :
 Barks once drew Brigitta McBridge, Scrooge's girlfriend in scarpa's stories,
 on a letter... So barks considers she exists...


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