Mini Barks quiz - one solution and only one quote left

Daniel van Eijmeren dve at
Wed Jun 4 17:47:54 CEST 2003

In private, Michiel Prior wrote to me:

>> "Ouch! More automation!" 
>> (Hints: "Handle with care" / "A-a MERMAID - Awk!" / 
>> "Somehow we never learn the beat of rock and roll, sahib!")

> These quotes are from the "Elephants-with-square-trunks"-story, 
> right?

Yes, they are. The story's title is "The Billion Dollar Safari" (US 54).

> Could you post the original text for "Breek uit de sleur, swingen 
> moet je durven, open je scheur en schud je lurven" ? Is Barks' text 
> as brilliant as the Dutch translation? I'm sure it must be.

According to the Carl Barks Library the original quote is:

"Mash your taters, stomp your weeds!
Swing your mice and do good deeds!"

BTW. My quotes also come from the Carl Barks Library. (I only have about 
two original Barks comics.) Maybe I should always emphasize that, 
because the Carl Barks Library is known to have undocumented changes.

Now there's only one quote left. The quotes clearly refer to scenes in 
the story. (Unlike the quotes from "The Billion Dollar Safari", which 
were rather difficult.)

- - -

"Well, back into the barrel with the FLEAS!"
(Hint: "Gaaah! There's a year's crop of SOOT in that pipe!")

- - -

--- Daniël

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