Thanks to Per for allowing us this space...

Per Starback starback at
Fri Mar 21 13:16:19 CET 2003

I've been reluctant to step in, but this seems to be getting out of
hand. I don't want to see lots of people leaving the DCML because of
the offtopic and sometimes inflammatory discussions, so I've enabled
emergency moderation of list traffic for some time, and will stop or
at least delay offtopic messages that I judge will further worsen the
situation. (This does not mean that any mention of the ongoing war or
its consequences is forbidden.) (I have already rejected a couple of
posts that were on hold since they were posted by non-subscriber

This happens at an arbitrary time, so some people may think this is
unfair because someone else has already written something they
shouldn't that surely *must* be responded to.  So respond in private
mail, then, and include anyone who seems to have been interested in
that topic.

I've been reluctant, since there sometimes is a fine line between
offtopic and offtopic.  People who know each other because of a common
interest tend to naturally talk to each other about other things that
are dear to their heart too, and I think many messages about this
have shown restrain and not been inflammatory, and also many people
have tried to keep it on-topic.  When whole messages again and again
are only about something offtopic (regardless of how important that
may be) the line has been crossed.

As for freedom of speech I agree with what Dave Rawson so eloquently
wrote. For you Americans, I am not Congress (which "shall make no law
... abridging the freedom of speech"), nor do I in any way control a
substantial part of the outlets where you can use your freedom of
speech on this or any other issue.

(I have nothing against discussion on this issue -- only on this list!
If there really is interest in continuing discussing this with fellow
duck fans I would have nothing against creating a special temporary
list just for that.  Just tell me (in private mail)!)

Per Starback <starback at>, DCML administrator
 "My Baghdad Bag Co. got in bad with the Baghdad bigdads because of a
  bad sag the bags had!"

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