OK Quack

Marco Barlotti marcobar at ds.unifi.it
Thu Oct 23 08:42:39 CEST 2003

At 12.01 22/10/2003 +0200, Lars Jensen <lpj at forfatter.dk> wrote:

>I see the Italian character OK Quack hasn't been used much the last
>ten years.

His last story was I TL 2082-1 ("Zio Paperone e la minaccia spaziale") 
written by Fabio Michelini and drawn by Giorgio Cavazzano. That was eight 
years ago. But three years later he made a "cameo" appearance in I TL 
2234-5 ("La grande corsa Paperopoli-Ocopoli") written by Luca Boschi and 
drawn by Enrico Faccini.

>  Did he ever find his spaceship and return to his home planet


>or is he (in theory) still searching for it?

Oh, yes, he is!    ;-)



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