"Dictator of all the Happy People--Happy or Not"

Daniel J. Neyer jerryblake2 at juno.com
Mon Sep 8 15:22:44 CEST 2003

I've always wondered if my copy of The Treasure of Marco Polo (which I
believe was quoted a few messages back) has been bowdlerized by the
"Disney" Studio's PC crowd. In my copy, it looks very like Wahn Beeg
Rhatt's "takeover" was originally called a "revolution" and the
description of Rhatt as a "enemy" general would make more sense if
"enemy" became "rebel". Did the PC boys make these changes to avoid
Vietnam comparisons, or simply because they think there's no such thing
as a bad revolution? In my copy, also, "Dictator" in the above quote
reads "conqueror." I always like to know if the American comics are
slipping something over on me. 

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