Lost samples

Shaun Craill scraill at methven.net
Tue Sep 9 02:06:29 CEST 2003

>Yes, but they don't pronunce that "u"... so is /komiks/ hehhee :-)
>By the way... just imagine Stan Sakai drawing disney comics...

> bonvolu postu al longtom at oeste.com.ar

A couple of years ago my brother gave the Groo crew a series of Duck-Groo
cross over coffee mugs that I had painted up, at the San Diego comic
convention when they were panelists.

Stan's mug had a picture of a well known samurai rabbit guarding the money
bin, and one Beagle Boy saying to the other "Go on, it's just a wee bunny!"

Someone noticed I had put a note on the bottom of the mugs, and poor old
Sergio brought the house down when he announced that his said "Other way up

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