Morgan's Ghost (Re: From the Disney Studios and Dali...)

Daniel van Eijmeren dve at
Thu Sep 11 16:06:04 CEST 2003

GEO, 09-09-2003:

> September 7, 2003
> The Lost Cartoon by Disney and Dalí, Fellow Surrealists

Interesting! The descriptions sound amazing!

> Still, economic worries undoubtedly contributed to Disney's caution, 
> Roy Disney said: "In those postwar years, `Destino' was not what you
> expected from Disney." (Of course, it isn't what we expect from Disney
> now, either.) "Walt wanted to be an artist," Mr. Disney continued. 
> "But he got knocked down by `Fantasia,' and the war was brutal. He 
> had to go and make money."

I think there's an obvious difference between Disney's first three 
movies ("Snow White", "Pinocchio", and "Fantasia"), and the later movies. 
The first three movies look like artistic masterpieces, while the later 
movies mostly look like "safe" family amusement. (IMO)

Has anyone asked Roy E. Disney if there's a change that "Morgan's Ghost" 
will ever be finished? Lately, Disney seems to be focussed on classic 
Disney stuff, so this could be the movie to go for. "Morgan's Ghost" 
would star Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy. If the movie becomes a 
succes (and I'm willing to bet on that), it will be a great promotion of 
these characters. 

I think "Morgan's Ghost" is an important "missing link" within the Disney 

For the people searching for a comic book connection: "Morgan's Ghost" 
was rewritten as comic book story, drawn by Carl Barks and Jack Hannah, 
titled "Donald Duck finds Pirate Gold" (OS 9). 

--- Daniël

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