Grandpa Beagle vs. Blackheart Beagle

Daniel van Eijmeren dve at
Fri Sep 12 16:20:46 CEST 2003

DANIEL NEYER, 12-09-2003

> [Dime and Dime Again, D/D 2001-004] I was also interested by Blum's 
> use of Blackheart "Grandpa" Beagle. Barks, not Rosa, actually created 
> Grandpa, and used him twice--in THE FANTASTIC RIVER RACE and THE MONEY 
> WELL. 

Barks used Grandpa Beagle (186-802) only ONCE, in "The Money Well" (US 21).
The river race story (USGD 1) contains Blackheart Beagle.

Melting these two characters into one character, is a Rosa creation.

--- Daniël

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