More on Mestres Disney - Renato Canini

Fernando Ventura fernandopventura at
Fri Aug 5 05:48:23 CEST 2005

Lars wrote:

"I have to admit, though, that I don't know much about Canini, other than 
the fact that he (she?) is a big name in Brazilian Disney comics."

The next edition of Mestres Disney will publish, indeed, a new Joe Carioca 
story totally by Renato Canini. He wrote, drew and inked it. I did the color 
and can say it's one of the most surreal Disney story I've ever saw! It 
remenbers me Bottaros's Disney work! It's 8 pages long and I think Editora 
Abril will send a release about it soon, with some image! :-)

The story *I* wrote will be draw by myself and it'll appear (probably) on 
the Zé Carioca comic book next year.

Fernando! ;-) 

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