1950's Disney Comics Strip Offices in New York?

SRoweCanoe@aol.com SRoweCanoe at aol.com
Sat May 7 01:33:33 CEST 2005

In a message dated 5/6/2005 7:17:52 PM Eastern  Daylight Time, 
timoro at hotmail.com writes:
>Severin had heard that Walt  Disney 
>had offices in New York City, so she looked  them up. At the front desk, a 
>man with a Disney moustache  did not bother to look at her portfolio. 
>Instead, he
>informed her  that Disney didn't hire women. "No women? Not at all?"  
>the aghast artist, who had been used to more  egalitarian treatment at EC. 
>The little
>man replied, "Follow me,  I'll show you." He led her to a huge room with 
rows of  desks.
right, good question.   who are these  people?

the disney comic books werent produced by Disney,  but by Western Printing
Disney didnt have animation in New York (as far as I  know)
wasnt the comic strip division on the west coast?  

on the  other hand, didnt the former Kay Kamen, Inc (owned by Disney after 
Kamen's  death?) have their office in NYC?  doing Disney promotional and 
advertising  artwork?  that's a possiblility.

steven rowe  

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