New York Comic Con Report

Tony Leopold tonyleopold at
Wed Oct 13 15:41:29 CEST 2010

Thanks for the report. Very interesting information!

On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 1:14 PM, August Yang <wintermute at>wrote:

>  So, as some of you may know there was a comic convention in the New York
> and Disney publishing was there to promote some of their own books and
> comics.  Boom! Studios was also there to promote their books as well and I
> attended both panels.  So here are some tidbits and information that I
> gleaned from those.
> First the Disney Comics panel:
> The first talked about the various movie tie in comics that they were
> doing.  They mentioned the Tron Betrayal #1 that was just released last
> Wednesday and that the Graphic Novel would be out on Nov. 16.  Tron Betrayal
> tells the story of what happened between the last movie and the upcoming
> Tron Legacy movie.
> The next subject was an upcoming Pirates of the Caribbean graphic novel
> called Six Sea Shanties.  Some of the stories will be prequels and others
> will tell stories between At World's End and On Stranger Tides.  The artist
> for the cover will be Eric Powell who does the comic series "The Goon".  The
> stories are supposedly to be written by Rob Kidd, but I just found out that
> is a pseudonym for a team of writers who do PotC stories.  At least one
> story will feature the Zombie Monkey.
> They also talked about Disney Digicomics.  One of the projects mentioned
> was upcoming Muppet Motion Comics.  They also mentioned an Epic Mickey
> digital comic project and were very proud of the fact that this is the first
> Disney comic project that was developed first as a digital comic.  The
> prequel comics to the Epic Mickey game will be available, at least
> initially, through a free app on the iPad that will be released either on
> the 19th or the 20th.  They said "10 days", so I'm making a guess based on
> the date the statement was said.  The app will have the first comic for free
> and additional content will be uploaded as the weeks progress.  The prequel
> comics will be written by Peter David and cover the events in the Wasteland
> before Mickey messes everything up at the beginning of the game and thus
> will primarily feature Oswald the Lucky Rabbit.  It is unknown if the
> prequel comics will see print, but they would like that to happen.  They're
> just not sure if it will be as stand alone comics or be bundled with the
> Epic Mickey graphic novel.  And there will be an Epic Mickey graphic novel
> that "covers" the game, but they stressed that the game would have a lot
> more content.  They also mentioned that I think in 2011 there will be a book
> called "The Art of Epic Mickey" for those of you who would like that.
> The Digicomics panelist also mentioned that they were trying to expand the
> digicomics line so that it would be web based so that more people could
> access, and obviously buy, Disney Digicomics beyond the PSP and iPhone/iPad
> users.
> Further comics information was given about Phineas and Ferb where they had
> comic retellings of P&F episodes.
> Of interest to mainly me was my question if Mickey Mouse Mystery Magazine
> would be released in Digicomics format, and I was told that it "was in the
> pipeline", but that could mean that it'll still never see a release in the
> US.  Still I remain hopeful as X-Mickey was released in as Digicomics.
>  Another question asked was about the Carl Barks and Floyd Gottfredson
> collections that will be released in 2011 with Fantagraphics and they said
> each volume should be under $100.  Of course, they didn't say how big the
> books would be so that may be an easy promise to make.
> I believe that covers the Disney panel so I will go onto the Boom Kids
> panel and their Disney Comics offerings.
> They are *very* happy with the sales of the Darkwing Duck comics and say
> that each subsequent comic seems to surpass the previous issue in sales.
>  The next Darkwing story arc will be "Crisis of Infinite Darkwings" and
> Negaduck will play an important role in the story.  Also, thanks to the
> success of Darkwing, in December they will be releasing a Rescue Rangers
> ongoing title.  Other series may be in the pipeline, but they don't want to
> put out too many comic at once as that could cause the whole line to suffer
> in terms of sales since people need to pick and choose if a lot of titles
> are out.
> Boom! also announced that next year will the Walt Disney Comics & Stories
> 70th anniversary, so they're kicking it off with two special issues.  The
> January Issue of WDC&S will have 40 pages and contains a Don Rosa story he
> drew but did not write called "Forget-Me-Not".  The regular cover will have
> art by William Van Horn and I think the Deluxe cover will have art by Daan
> Jippes.  The Mickey Mouse and Friends comic will have a Floyd Gottfredson
> comic called "Pirates of Port Placid" (I think) that hasn't been reprinted
> in 40 years in its entirety and the Deluxe version of the cover will be a
> never before printed Floyd Gottfredson cover.  Don't remember who did the
> Regular cover.  Sorry.
> All of these annoucements were part of the Boom! Kids 2.0 campaign that
> they were quite enthusiastic about and would answer questions about their
> Disney comic line with referrals to the website and the Boom! Kids 2.0
> campaign.
> Finally, this is something I did not learn about in the panels, but it may
> be of interest to people here.  Apparently, they're collecting the Darkwing
> Duck stories from Disney Adventures and printing them as a TPB.
> If anyone has any questions or comments, please let me know and I'll try to
> answer them to the best of my knowledge.
> August Paul Yang
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