What happened to Gladstone?

Harry Fluks H.W.Fluks at research.ptt.nl
Wed Sep 1 09:11:50 CEST 1993

Mark Semich:
> Does anyone know the reason for this obvious lack on Gladstone's
> part?  Do they have some anti-Rosa policy or something?

One possibility is that they're saving the Rosa stories for the winter
season, when they can sell more comics. In 1991 (if I remember well),
Disney Comics published no Rosa at all in the summer, and then a Rosa story
in almost every issue in November, December, January.

On the other hand, apart from the now famous "War of the Wendigo", all Rosa 
stories that are not published yet in the USA, are "Life Of Scrooge" stories.
Maybe they have special plans with that series and are waiting for Don to
finish the last part.

(Just some guesses..)


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