Gladstone ad

Torsten Wesley Adair torsten at
Fri Jan 21 05:08:44 CET 1994

Source: Comics Buyer's Guide  #1055  February 4, 1994  p.108 (back cover)


	One of the things Gladstone used to do during our original album
series (which ran 1987-1989) was reproduce Miniature versions of the front
covers of all then-available albums on the back covers.  Readers really
appreciated being able to see at a glance what volumes had been published
and were therefore currently available for ordering ither from their comic
chop or directly from Gladstone.  When we initiated The Carl Barks Library
in Color album project, however, we were back to square one and felt that
emphasizing the immediately upcoming album on the back cover would sever
better than running a bare handful of miniature front covers of previous
volumes.  This proved to be the case for our initial releases, but things
have now advanced to the point that the miniature cover concept has equal
if not greater merit.


	This will not only allow for more attractive and informative back
covers on all future volumes in the various series that comprise The Carl
Barks Library in Color--as well as reprints of previous volumes--but give
all of our present and future readers and their retailers the opportunity
to find out quickly and easily just what's been published to date.
	There is another reason we are making this change: as we have
mentioned in previous ads, word seems to be circulating in the marketplace
that certain volumes in Carl Barks Library in Color are no longer
available.  This is emphatically not true.  The back covers of our albums
will now underline this point:  any album represented by a miniature front
cover on the back cover of any album may be ordered by our readers from
their retailers, and retailers may back order them from their
distributors.  This is not for a limited time; all albums are and will
remain in print.

	The Carl Barks Library in Color

	There are currently two monthly series:  The Carl Barks Library of
Walt Disney's Comics and Stories in Color, collecting Barks' Walt Disney's
Comics and Stories ten pagers, and The Carl Barks Library of Donald Duck
Adventures in Color, compiling Bark's long Donald Duck tales from the
Donald Duck Four Colors, and regular comic book series.  (A special
nine-volume series presenting Uncle Scrooge one pagers, Donald Duck
giveaway Christmas stories, and Gyro Gearloose solo tales has just been
completed.)  All volumes are 8 1/2" x 11" and feature brand new full
computer color, articles and special features.

[black and white photo of The Carl Barks Library of Donald Duck Adventures
in Color]

* This area [left margin] of the front cover banner on each volume of The
Carl Barks Library of Donald Duck Adventures in Color will feature
miniature representations of the one, two, or three covers of the comics
in which the stories made their original appearances.  The actual front
cover of each album is a brand new design created from Barks panel art
extracted from one of the stories in that album. 

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