Barks Quote Quiz for DD 60th

Larry Gerstein gerstein at
Thu Jun 9 23:31:29 CEST 1994

        Dear Folks,

        It's Donald's 60th birthday today... I didn't mention it in my last
letter, but I haven't forgotten.  As a result I'm challenging all of you to
a Barks quote quiz like the old ones Per once posted.  We'll see how many
of you, in the upcoming weeks, can identify the speaker and issue of each
of the following:

        1)  "Men!  I hate 'em!"

        2)  "Women!  I hate 'em!"

        3)  "Maybe that serpent wasn't such a much, after all!"

        4)  "I'm too busy picking *ants* out of my pancakes!"

        5)  "We ought to tell Unca Donald about that trick!"

        6)  "Fine fellow!  Mellow fellow!  Friend of fortune, hello-hello!"

        7)  "And bring the old tightwad a sandwich!  I bet he hasn't had
time to eat in a week!"

        8)  "Squeeze it!  Maybe it goes "be bop," or something!"

        9)  "A lot of help these *fearless* clansmen are going to be!"

        10)  "They're not *spring chickens!*  I can tell you that!"

        11)  "Would you like to live forever, Huey?"

        12)  "Goodbye, cruel world!  This is my final call!"

        13)  "If people could see this view of the moon, they wouldn't sing
songs about it!"

        There we go, a lucky 13.  And send your answers to me with the
subject:  Barks Quote Quiz Answers.  You get a point for identifying the
speaker of each quote (if it's HDL, just indicate that by writing HDL -- no
need to try telling them apart!), and then another for each issue.  And if
you find an error in one of the quotes, you get another point (I'm writing
this without immediate access to the stories themselves).  Punctuation
doesn't count in citing the errors, though!

        You have two weeks to enter, which makes the deadline Thursday,
June 23rd.  Good luck!

        David Gerstein
        <gerstein at>

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