First appearances and recycled stories

Daniel van Eijmeren daniel at
Tue Aug 15 00:48:03 CEST 1995

Hi all!

What follows here is another Dutch-English translation of lists 
which Harry once made. If you see a mistake or something missing, 
please let me know. 

And then two questions: In which story did Miss Quackfaster appear for 
the first time? And in which story the "pig-villian"?


--- Daniel



In this paragraph the stories are listed in which Barks introduced 
characters of his own.

Neighbour Jones               WDC  34  <good deeds>
Gladstone Gander              WDC  88  <bets>
Junior Woodchucks             WDC 125  <frostbite pass>
Beagle Boys                   WDC 134  <automatic cannon>
Money bin                     WDC 135  <new money bin>
Gyro Gearloose                WDC 140  <gladstone's dime>
April, May and June           WDC 149  <flipism>
Official Woodchuck hound      WDC 213  <spring house cleaning>
Scrooge McDuck                OS 178a  "Christmas on Bear Mountain"
Scrooge's "worry room"        US  5a   <secret of atlantis>
Junior Woodchucks guide book  US  5a   <secret of atlantis>
Gyro's little helper          US 15g   <cat-language>
Flintheart Glomgold           US 15a   "The Second Richest Duck"
Magica the Spell              US 36a   "The Midas Touch"
Scrooge's first dime          OS 495b  "watertank money-bin"

In US 6a <valley of trala-la> the Junior Woodchuck's guide book is 
first called by name. The first appearance of April, May and June was 
without their names mentioned.


A number of stories of the late '50s are adaptations of older 
stories. In this paragraph these stories are listed together with 
their originals.

story:                             original:

WDC 186 <taxi's on ice>            WDC  45  "Rival Boatmen"
WDC 190 <submacycle>               WDC  54  <ice-skating>
WDC 197 <border patrolman>         WDC  94  <sausage-smuggling>
WDC 212 <race around the world>    WDC  93  <race to mars>
WDC 215 <echo-land for sale>       WDC 105  <echo-business>
WDC 217 <theater: apple>           WDC 128  <theater: dragon>
WDC 219 <taming a coyote>          WDC  59  <taming a horse>
WDC 224 <beachcombers' picnic>     WDC 117  <hunting daisies>
WDC 228 <watchful parents club>    WDC  58  <grand canyon>
WDC 229 "The Good Deeds"           WDC  34  <good deeds>
WDC 231 "The Wax Museum"           WDC  89  <nightwatchman>
WDC 235 "Want to Buy an Island?"   WDC  81  <lost turk gold mine>
WDC 236 "Froggy Farmer"            WDC  77  <giant bugs>
WDC 243 "Turkey Trouble"           WDC 143  <gems>
WDC 248 "Terrible Tourist"         u-WDC 64 <christmas violence>
DD 54   "Forbidden Valley"         MOC 20   "Darkest Africa"
US 20a  "City of Golden Roofs"     OS 263a  "Land of the Totem Poles"
US 6b   <old man fox>              OG 35b   <digging in the garden>
US 30b  "Yoicks, the Fox"          WDC 98   <fox hunting>
US 34b  "Chugwagon Derby"          OS 29b   "The Hard Loser"


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