In search of Egypt references

Knut Hunstad Knut.Hunstad at
Fri Jul 7 16:02:32 CEST 1995

I got this from a member of the modesty-blaise list (who probably never knew
Don was going to see this!):

>From: "Rick Norwood" <NORWOODR at>

>I think first of the many great Carl Barks Egyptian stories, 
>available from Gladstone.  These are the most accurate of all 
>Egyptian comic book fiction.  Then there is The Cartoon History of 
>the Universe, for a great factual comic book treatment of ancient 
>Egypt.  The greatest of all Egypitan stories in comics is Don Rosa's 
>The Secret of the Lost Library, also from Gladstone.  Alan Moore did 
>some good Egyptian fantasy for his recent comic book series: 1964 
>(last digit uncertain).  Neil Gaiman has had some Egyptian fantasy 
>elements in Sandman, notably the cat headed godess.  Then there is 
>Hal Foster's famous Egypitan Adventure in the 1930's Tarzan strip.  
>Russ Manning also did some outstanding Egyptian stories in his run on 
>Tarzan, one of which will be serialized in Comics Revue beginning in 
>about 6 months.  (To subscribe to Comics Revue, send $45 for 12 
>issues to Box 336, Mountain Home TN 37684 (plug))  Alley Oop had some 
>great adventures in Egypt, including an explanation of why the sphinx 
>looks so much like Oop.  Kitchen Sink has reprinted some of those.
>Those are the best Egyptian stories I know of in comics.  Of course, 
>there are many more.  Hope this helps.  --Rick

P.S.: Just in case: I _did_ say in my message asking for this information
that I would forward it to disney-comics if it was sent as a personal reply.


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