Disney-comics digest #689.

Mike Pohjola mikep at freenet.hut.fi
Sat Jun 10 10:03:07 CEST 1995

>Huh? Was this entire message meant to me? What is it about?

	No, most of it was meant to David, but his name just disappeared :) 

>What's the story about? Well, it's about a civil war in Unsteadystan 
>(read: Vietnam) and here are sure a lot of explosions in the story.

	Is it a good adventure then? What does Scrooge has to do in Uns...?

>Thanks Mike, but what do you think about Jakob Soderbaum's Theory?

	The one with Ludwig Van Drake? Weeellll... I find that somewhat hard
to believe. First of all, HDL call him Uncle Ludwig (at least in Finland) and
if they were born say 1945, they would have their father's last name. This
again would indicate that their father was also named Duck. It probably was,
but let's just hope it wasn't the same family :)

>On the last one published by Walt Disney co. Italy, there is just one story
>by G.B. Carpi and a LOT of images abou all the she ducks of the Disney universe.

	And people buy that stuff?! Italy - The Land Of Easy Money ;)

	I{ll be in Salzburg the next month, but I might still be able to 
contact you. If not, see ya all later.


	Mike - The Finnish Trekkie

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