a few words from Italy...

Gianfranco Goria - Anonima Fumetti - Italian Cartoonists Society goria at inrete.alpcom.it
Fri May 26 10:42:24 CEST 1995

>Is your work also published in Holland? Do you have an example?
I really don't know... My last Disney stories are:
I 1941 (Topolino e il furto archeologico - MM and the Egiptian Museum of
Turin and an Indian statue of Shiva Nataraja, with Goofy and professor Boom,
a new character of mine); art by Giampiero Ubezio;
I 2048 (Indiana Pipps e il sigillo Vallindo - Arizona Goof and the Hindus
civilization, roaming through Pakistan and Kashmir with MM and professor
Boom); art by Massimo De Vita;
I M 21 (Minni e la Radiosa Primavera - Minnie Mouse and the little nephews
talking about the origin of the martial arts style of Wing Chun in China): I
M stays for the Italian Disney magazine "Minni", art by Fabrizio Petrossi.

>I've read in an old digest that the famous Donald Ault (you can 
>read his articles in the CBL)...
What's CBL?

> And I sure *love* those beautiful stories by Barks and Rosa! 
Well, I agree!

>Who are your favourite comic-book artists?
Comics, in general, in casual order:
Hugo Pratt, Vittorio Giardino, Lorenzo Mattotti, Will Eisner, Bill
Watterson, Herge, Edgar P. Jacobs, Giorgio Cavazzano, Frank Miller,
Franquin, Moebius, Sergio Toppi, Uderzo, Morris, Marco Rota, Gian Battista
Carpi, Romano Scarpa, Andrea Pazienza+, Bob De Moor, Roger Leloup, ...
Well, just to begin the list.

>> About what IS comics and what it CAN be, there is a wonderful book by Scott
>> McCloud, "Understanding Comics - the invisible art", a scientific book on
>> the language of comics written using the language of comics!
>> And another really great book on these problems is "La bande dessinee" by
>> Benoit Peeters.
>> And, obviously, "Comics and Sequential Art" by Will Eisner!

>When I find those books in my local library I will sure read them. 
>(But I think it's difficult to understand "La bande dessinee", 
>because I think it's an Italian book.)
No, it's a french book.

>> About European cartooning you can try the Cartoon Arts Network at:
>> http://www.pavilion.co.uk/cartoonet/
>> You'll find there Anonima Fumetti, too.
>I think that's impossible for me, because I can only send and recieve 
>mail. It's not possible for me to get on Internet "live".

Have a good day!

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