FA: Air Pirates #1 and 2

M. Mitchell Marmel marmelmm at drexel.edu
Mon Apr 9 16:08:45 CEST 2001

At 4:33 PM +0200 4/2/01, Daniel van Eijmeren wrote:
>This email contains links to rare/original/unpublished Barks items for
>sale at Ebay. ("http://www.ebay.com") I do not have any connection with
>the sellers or with Ebay itself.
>If you've seen items I must have missed or other sites with rare/original/
>unpublished Barks items, then I hope you will post it to this list as well.

Not Barks per se, but I am selling issues 1 and 2 of Mickey Mouse 
meets the Air Pirates, the infamous underground comic that lasted two 
issues before getting closed down by Disney...



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