
Paolo Castagno p.castagno at
Tue Apr 10 20:19:27 CEST 2001

"Fluks, H.W." wrote:
> Juan Barragué wrote a month ago:
> > Hello!!!

Hello also from me!

> > I´am from uruguay, and i´m looking for this story in special:
> > "Donald and Babe´s Fortune". I have only the first part, and
> > i want to know if anybody have this story complete.
> No answer to this in the past month, 

Ioverlooked this message! Thanks, Harry!

The story should be "Paperino e l'eredita' di Babe" by Massimo de
Vita, originally printed on Topolino 1341 from 9 Aug. 1981, and
reprinted several times (11 times recorded in Inducks) and it is
quite easy to find here in Italy, so if you'd like to have a
copy, I'll be glad to exchange it for an Uruguaian comic.

  - Paolo (who used to be a fan of Ruben Sosa!)

--  mailto:p.castagno at
"Il cacio cocizio ecoccio?"
(Pippo in I TL  433-A)

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