Don Rosa in Italy

Francesco Spreafico frspreaf at
Thu Apr 19 14:59:21 CEST 2001

From: "Botto Armando" <Armando.Botto at>

> Very few. Apart from the very recent ones, both F-coded ("The Coin",
> "Attaaaaaack!", "The Sharpie of the Culebra Cut") and D-coded ("Escape
> Forbidden Valley", "The Three Caballeros Ride Again"), only a couple were
> never published here (I wonder why): namely, "On Stolen Time" and
> Under Glass".
> Ah, and we miss also a few "oddities" for which Don only provided the art
> couple of H-coded and the "Back in Time for a Dime" Ducktales story).

Ehi, identical lists, so they must be right ;-)
Actually I'd forgot "Back in Time for a Dime", I'd searched only for "art".

Sprea (Scarpa) (RAH)

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