Don Rosa in Italy

Thierry Fernand favio31 at
Thu Apr 19 18:55:30 CEST 2001

Thanks to Armando, Sprea (or Sprea, Armando) and Luca 
Boschi for replying to my question regarding how many Rosa 
stories are unpublished in Italy.

If we except the latest stories, I understand that there 
are 4 "old" stories with art by Don Rosa that are 
unpublished in Italy - 2 Dutch ones and 2 Danish ones. That 
is still a lot, but I am glad to hear from Luca that Zio 
Paperone will publish them.

The only story drawn by Rosa that Hachette didn't publish 
is the 3-pages Daisy birthday story; we are waiting for the 
next celebration of Daisy's birthday to print it.


>Too many to count, but, regarding old Milton Stories, 
honestly, I don't 
>feel a particular need to read them :-) 

I was talking about the duo stories Milton / Jippes which I 
think could not be missed, especially by you.

>Do you refer to the stories produced by Jippes and Milton 
as a duo, in the 
>late 70es - early 80es? If so, the Inducks lists 13 
stories, of which 10 
>have been published in "Zio Paperone" so far. 


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