Crashwagons was Re: DCML digest #501

M. Mitchell Marmel marmelmm at
Mon Apr 23 17:00:52 CEST 2001

At 8:46 AM -0400 4/23/01, Don Rosa wrote:
>From: Kristian PEDERSEN <K.PEDERSEN at>
>>>>However, some of Barks phrases original phrases have also stuck with me.
>of them is "Oh my stars and little comets!".
>I think that's my own personal favorite, and one that Barks invented -- at
>least I've never seen or heard it elsewhere. Another favorite is "Great
>howling crashwagons!" I don't even know what a "crashwagon" is, but one
>that is great and is howling sounds *really* scary!

Aviation generic term for any airport vehicle (fire truck, ambulance, 
etc.) meant for dealing with what was once called a 'crash' but is 
now called an 'incident'.  However, 'Great howling incidentwagons' 
just doesn't have the same je ne sais quoi... :D


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