The Rosa Versions updated

Anders Christian Sivebaek acsive at
Sat Dec 29 22:29:19 CET 2001

Hello friends

My page The (Don) Rosa versions is now updated with the newest info I
have - scans from the Crown of the Crusader Kings. 
I also corrected a mistake I made on the Cabelleroes page (a panel from
Eldorado had replaced one of the Cabelleroes panels - of my own fault)

These pages is of course mostly for insiders, fans/readers of Don's
stories and others who would be interested. 

I am proud that my Inducks-friends are easier able to find out what
version of a Rosa-story is printed in their weekly/monthly/whatever,
because of that page. 

I did get a mail some time ago telling that the trafic on the page is
high - so if you experience not being able to enter, try again later -
the mail said there's a max number of wievs per hour. 

The link is the good old:

Happy New Year
A. C. Sivebaek
acsive at

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