
Botto Armando Armando.Botto at
Tue Jan 16 17:56:25 CET 2001

> But I remember at least one instance of an Italian translation (in the
late '60s, at the time of the lazy, lazy, lazy translator who murdered
Barks' "not-so-ancient mariner) where Pete is called "Pietro il Nero" (i. e.
"Black Pete")... No reference, sorry, it's just in my mind...
> Actually, I  was surprised by that "strange" translation, too. It was a
Fallberg - Paul Murry story, around 1963 - 64, maybe with Mounties, maybe
mooses or sort of. It shouldn't be difficult to identify it.

I had a Murry story in mind, too... one from the late 60es, as Marco points
out. I'll check tonight, but I think the choice is restricted to 2
candidates only:
- W WDC 336-05+ The River Pirates ("Topolino pioniere del vapore", in TL
or, more likely,
- W MM  122-01 The Moose Monster Mystery ("Topolino e il divoratore di
pelli", in TL 733)

'til later,

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