Vital info on Picsou, Olivier and Gilles

Francois Willot cacou661 at
Wed Apr 3 18:55:09 CEST 2002

--- Olivier <mouse-ducks at> wrote:
> Thank you very much François! I live again! :)

Don't worry Olivier, I knew you were looking for it,
so I would have told you before.
I still wonders about the existence of that crown,
"allegance" of the European kings to a Khan. This is a
part of history I'm totally unaware of, so maybe you
can enlight me? or was it created for the Ducks

About Brutopia, the villain looks like Nikita
Krouchtchev (spelling?) so in Barks' mind this would
mean it is the Duck equivalent of USSR or Russia.
But like for Calisota which is between Oregon and
California, it may be just very well be a forgotten
small country in the north of Russia.


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