Rich: Characters from Carioca Universe?

Arthur Faria Jr. arthurfaria at
Wed Nov 27 16:40:39 CET 2002

I answered to Rich:

> Arqueiro Misterioso means "Mysterious Bowman" and is actually
> Rosinha wearing a hooded costume and acting as a male "villain".
> "He" appeared in only one story (B 870147).
> In both cases, Rosinha just *pretends* to be a "villain".
> As the Archer, her purpose was to demonstrate to José's nephews
> Zico and Zeca that José's hero identity Green Bat was a great
> hero with great enemies (in the end the "archer" disappears
> leaving a note that declares that Green Bat is enough
> for "him").

Sorry, my memory has tricked me. In the "Arqueiro Misterioso"
story, Rosinha doesn't act like a villain to demonstrate anything
to Carioca's nephews; the correct reason is that when the nephews
preferred to dress other heroes' costumes for a party instead
of Green Bat's costumes, Carioca realizes his hero identity
isn't sucessful even among the children and gets very disappointed.
Then Rosinha creates that bowman villain just to fight-and-loose
to cheer him up.
(That's love, isn't it? :)

 -- Arthur.

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