"Grandma" to Scrooge

Gary Leach bangfish at comcast.net
Fri Aug 15 02:33:07 CEST 2003


> Another question: How many stories can you show us where Barks says 
> that Scrooge
> and Grandma are NOT siblings?

Though this sort of thing is never conclusive, let me say that in 
reading untranslated Barks, in every instance where Scrooge and Grandma 
interact on a name basis, Scrooge calls Grandma "Grandma." And he does 
so even when they're not in the presence of Donald or the boys. Now, as 
I say, this is not conclusive, but it is also true that here in the US 
it would be very, very unusual for a brother to call his sister 

As for Scrooge and Granda being siblings according to the Italian 
perspective, this developed and established itself in its own right, 
and personally I like that there can be two ongoing views of the 
matter. Though some may find this difficult to grasp, differences 
really can be a healthy thing.


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