Daniel's Quiz (Hypnotism)

Arie Fachrisal cien2 at cbn.net.id
Fri Jun 27 14:35:44 CEST 2003

> From: "Daniel van Eijmeren" <dve at kabelfoon.nl>
> In the wild colt story (WDC 59), Donald is hypnotized by a colt.
> Can you mention at least four other Barks stories with hypnotism?

1. The Littlest Chicken Thief (WDC 219). A much-similar story like the wild
colt one, except it's a young coyote instead of a colt.

2. The Hypno Gun (WDC 145). If im not mistaken this is the story of the
"Bing! You're hypnotized" gun.

I cant remember the exact titles of the fllowing stories.
3. The Swamp of No Return.

4. Back to Long Ago.

5. treasures of Ali baba story. The ducks travel across the desert and
stumbled upon a group of "performers".

6. The lost peg-leg mine. Scrooge has himself hypnotized and remembered
about a lost mine he used to has.

I think that's about what i can vaguely remember.

Keep On Quacking,
Arie Fachrisal and a guy named Joe from Singapore.

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