Facts versus Fantasy

Søren Krarup Olesen raptus at stofanet.dk
Mon May 5 22:29:38 CEST 2003

SIGVALD + more(?!) (LARS are you with me? :-):

> In the last panel on page 14 in Norwegian Doanld Duck & Co 13/1991
> there is a sign saying "Langtvekkistan, 99950 km". Using such a
> number in that context seems ridiculous to me, [...]

Well, Sigvald. Usually I am not the first in line to agree with you, but
in this particular case...

Most adults would of course reject to such a silly distance immediately.
I wonder however, to which degree you allow some kind of fantasy? I
remember an old Strobl story in which Goofy slides down by a rainbow(!)
and meets Daisy. They both face an evil witch, but by the help of a Gyro
invention (a sorta hand-held lifting device) they manage to defeat this
evil witch. (there is much more, but that would be spoiling...)

Now, do you consider such an event canon? I (personally) consider it a
beautiful example of imagination. Asking this question is due to my
conception of Disney Comics perhaps not being as imaginative as was
formerly the case. When I read a Danish Egmont weekly these days, I see
plenty of "social realism" (in the very light sense but still).
Yesyesyes, I know that Taliaferro did something similar, but what
happened to the other part; the fantasy and the unrestricted imagination?

What happened to Scamp for example?! What happened to Fethry?! I love
reading Disney comics mainly because of its variety...what happened to
Chip 'n' Dale? (O'Malley...long forgotten or what? etc...)

You know, those things concern me a lot more than the colour of money
that Don Rosa did or did not utilise in his stories. My first question
was: "Who cares" but I was about to learn otherwise... :-/

(and Vidar, I am *not* gnasty ;-)

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