Dates on Scrooge's trophies?

Olaf Solstrand olaf at
Sat Nov 15 00:22:39 CET 2003

> [One weak spot in this reasoning is that I
> deliberately choose to ignore the dates of the  trophies in
> Scrooge's trophy room in "Xanadu" en "Crusaders".]

> Xanadu is my favorite Rosa sequel (haven't seen Crusaders yet, of course)
> and I didn't recall seeing any dates on trophies on display at the
> beginning of the story.

I think what Michiel meant here, was that he ignored the dates Scrooge found 
these objects according to Barks. So that he could still place "A letter from 
home/The old castle's OTHER secret" to, say, after 1956 even though the trophy 
room in "Xanadu" may have contained an object Barks didn't have Scrooge find 
before 1958.

I may be wrong. But that's how I read his post.


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