Question about Disney Comics Album #2 ("Notre Duck", again)

Daniel van Eijmeren dve at
Mon Nov 24 01:45:48 CET 2003

This email is about a DIFFERENT design than the one I've mentioned 
in my previous email!!!

I'm searching for information on an inked version of a Barks cover 
design for "The Phantom of Notre Duck" (US 60). The design has been 
published in the Carl Barks Library set 5, on page 289:
It shows Scrooge, Donald, and the nephews falling through a trap 
door, which is activated by the phantom pulling a rope on the 

Recently, I've seen this inked version on an American 1980s/1990s 
comic book album. Is it Disney Comics Album #2?

Please, let me know.

--- Daniël

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